Taking a break can help your game.

Do you feel like your game isn’t getting any better? Or possibly even worse? Well, sometimes what you need to get to that next level is a break from pool all together. A little vacation from the game can be a very good thing, it gives you time to devote to other things in life like family or even other hobbies. Most avid player have found that a little break every now and then helps rejuvenate that hunger that drives us to become better.

So with that in mind I have decided to take a short break from playing. (only a couple of weeks, but I will still be writing articles for my blog)  Now that pool league is done for the summer I can take a vacation with my family and enjoy some of my other favorite pass times, like Baseball, BBQ, and Wine! Especially the wine! I enjoy making it, drinking it and visiting other winery’s with my wife.

Below are some pictures of a wine trail event I went to last weekend with my wife Jackie. We visited 9 winery’s in and around the town of Herman Missouri.



And so it begins at Adam Puchta Winery in Herman MO.



Each winery had a pairing of food and wine for you to try out. Some were better than other of course, but we seemed to enjoy them all.




This was Stone Hill’s offering, some bread, Humas and a semi sweet Vingoles. Not Bad!



The grape vines in front of the Stone Hill Winery in Herman MO. Nice View!



Stone Hill Winery main building.




People lining up in the wine cellar at Hermanof Winery. If your one of the folks in the pic that didn’t want to be included I’m sorry, especially that demon eyed guy on the left!


The back patio at Hermanof Winery. Its a great place to sit and enjoy the day.

Hermanof Winey, main building.



Three Saints Winery, Cabernet and ox tail soup. I though it was kind of hot for soup this weekend so Jackie and I split a bowl. Both were good.



The wine cellar serving room at Three Saints Winery.



The patio at Three Saints Winery.



The George Husmann Wine Pavilion at Oak Glenn Winery. Okay, I got to be honest here, Oak Glenn is not my favorite wine. In fact of all the Missouri winery’s that I have been to Oak Glenn has been my least favorite so far. Allot of people like them but they just are not my cup of tea. But the view from the hill side is very nice…..see below.




View from the vineyard at Oak Glenn Winery.



More of the vineyard at Oak Glenn. I’ll say this for them, they keep the vineyard looking nice!



This is Bias Winery, the wine here isn’t as good since the new ownership has taken over but it is still good. Give them time and I am sure it will be as good as it used to be and maybe even better. The micro brews here are pretty darn good as well.



This is the old truck at Bias Winery. I love the way the old truck looks!



This is the main hall at Robler Winery. Good wine and great people.



The view of the vineyard from Robler Winery.



Bommarito Almond Tree Winery. I saved the very best for last. Bommarito’s wine is amazingly good. Without a doubt, the best I’ve had. Even better than the $200.00 bottle of Cab my boss gave me!
Their Norton wine is the most balanced, smoothest wine I have ever had. Their Port is in a league of it’s own. Every wine here is worth every penny. We have been case club members here for 3 years now, if you haven’t been and your in the area its a must visit.




This is the main entrance. I wish I would have got some pics of the inside and back patio. The grounds here are beautiful and your welcome to bring a picnic basket and enjoy the day there.



Okay, if my recommendation of the wine isn’t enough to get you interested, than maybe this will. They made Jackie and I a pizza (on the grill outside). It is the best pizza I ever ate, and I am a pizza fanatic! This was so good I wanted to go there the next day just to get more pizza! (we already had another case of their wine!) Jackie tried to coax the recipe from him but he wouldn’t budge, who could blame him!




And that’s my adventure for the weekend that gave me a break from pool. So if you find yourself getting a little burnt out or you have reached a plateau in your game, try giving yourself a break to recharge your batteries. You just might find that it’s  just what you needed to get back on track and improve your game.


I’ll leave you with some views from the lake at the resort we stayed at, enjoy!